Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Write A Riff

I chose this fast write to post because I luuurrrv tea. Especially cranberry flavored tea in a twenty ounce cup from Silverbow with 1 Stevia. Seriously, try it.

There is not a thing out there more inspiring than a hot mug of tea. It's almost as if the steam rising out of the still surface are tiny rising thoughts that slip behind your eyes and make you see things beautifully. Whenever I am at a loss for what I'm wanting, I pop that stainless steel teapot on the stove top and wait for the water to boil. I anticipate the familiar beginning of that whistle, it's soft for ten seconds, and then all of a sudden breaks into a moaning wail. It screams into my mind and makes me think, why can't we be a little more like teapots? Why can't we just throw back our heads and scream at the top of our lungs when we can't take it anymore, when we're fed up, when we're done. Instead our water continues to boil, burning the insides of what really isn't steel after all.
I pour the viciously hot water into a bright crimson mug and let it go nowhere except between my two palms. I sip the hot liquid and feel it beginning to take its course down my throat. I think, I relax, my head clears, and those little rising thoughts of steam gently slip into my mind, making me see all new. Tea is Magical.

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