Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Years!!!!

Mmmmm bubbly drinks and good friends. No better way to spend a night/early morning. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2012. It's really strange to me how one tiny second can hurtle us into a whole new year. One teeny little second then BAM!! And you are buying a new calendar. El año nuevo. He celebrado el primer día de dos mil doce fantasticó, cava Cava CAVA! mmmmmmm

Articles From Spain (extra post)

Follow zeee link and I wrote a bunch of articles while traveling abroad in Spain.  You all need to go to Spain, it's fantastically amazing. You don't know what you're missing being stuck in piece of.... poo Juneau.

Click Here for Link to My Articles

Monday, January 2, 2012

What I Learned This Quarter

This quarter I have learned that when things disappear, you likely aren't ever going to see them again. You think about it forever, go over the day it was stolen from under your nose; maybe if you hadn't stopped for that coffee, or if you hadn't been gazing left at the lovely horizon... maybe you'd of caught it in time. Perhaps it's a stolen wallet, a piece of important jewelry, a pair of pants... or your sister.  Goodbye. Let go. They're long gone. I've lost a few things in my life, but today I come to the conclusion that wherever they might be, let them be there. I've lost them, but they've also lost me.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Gallery Walk

Mmm how I love Gallery Walk in little downtown Juneau, Alaska on the first friday of December. I love the jewelry, all glittery and freshly strung uniquely on chains that want to make necks look lovely. The beautiful scarfs, all warm and cozy that curl up around your neck like warm little kittens. The gorgeous pottery all shellacked to perfection, fitting perfectly between your palms and making you think about hot soup. Hats. like lids on tubaware full of microwaved food, blocking all that hot steam from leaving your noggin. The art on the walls, the color of the paint, rich yellows of an autumn birch tree that melt off the canvas into your hungry eyes.

Blog Reviews

I enjoyed the blog titled 666 because it makes you think, the writing isn't copied and pasted from other writers, but original and has voice.

I liked I-rroC because of the poem they had written titled Summer Time. It was interesting because the majority and the start of it was about winter, making you wonder why it was titled as it was. But then you come to the last few lines and you're like dang I wish it was summer.

I enjoyed reading the poem on Ocean's Child's blog about how quickly life can be taken aways. It gave me a sudden little jolt of sadness as something so beautifully described could be smashed so simply.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Write A Riff

I chose this fast write to post because I luuurrrv tea. Especially cranberry flavored tea in a twenty ounce cup from Silverbow with 1 Stevia. Seriously, try it.

There is not a thing out there more inspiring than a hot mug of tea. It's almost as if the steam rising out of the still surface are tiny rising thoughts that slip behind your eyes and make you see things beautifully. Whenever I am at a loss for what I'm wanting, I pop that stainless steel teapot on the stove top and wait for the water to boil. I anticipate the familiar beginning of that whistle, it's soft for ten seconds, and then all of a sudden breaks into a moaning wail. It screams into my mind and makes me think, why can't we be a little more like teapots? Why can't we just throw back our heads and scream at the top of our lungs when we can't take it anymore, when we're fed up, when we're done. Instead our water continues to boil, burning the insides of what really isn't steel after all.
I pour the viciously hot water into a bright crimson mug and let it go nowhere except between my two palms. I sip the hot liquid and feel it beginning to take its course down my throat. I think, I relax, my head clears, and those little rising thoughts of steam gently slip into my mind, making me see all new. Tea is Magical.

Read A Riff

This is a little song I wrote awhile back. Yes yes yes!

Peter Pan

I don't know if I believe in fairy tales
If there's a place out there called Never Land
There's a little boy who shares the same fear as me
Scared of turning 19

Well I believe in a thing called time
Born live a little then we die
Well I don't know if there's such a thing as magic 
But if there is I could really use some tonight 

Peter Pan, when you gonna come take me 
I'll be in my room tonight here just waiting
Don't wanna grow old 
Don't wanna grow up 
Peter Pan, when you gonna come take me 

Wish I'd never get to big for my mom's lap 
Wish I'd always fit in size 2 jeans
Wish I could hold my dad's hand forever 
And the thrill of sneaking out would never leave

Want to go back, relive that moment
We forgot to get off the bus in Mexico
Wanna go back relive those winters 
Kendra and I still played out in the snow 

Peter Pan, when you gonna come take me 
I'll be in my room tonight here just waiting
Don't wanna grow old 
Don't wanna grow up 
Peter Pan, when you gonna come take me 

And what I'd give 
For the Chance to live 
Inside the Dream 
I saw on TV 
And what I'd do 
If I just knew 
That you were real 
That you were real. 

Peter Pan, when you gonna come take me 
I'll be in my room tonight here just waiting
Don't wanna grow old 
Don't wanna grow up 
Peter Pan, when you gonna come take me 